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Podcasty podsumowania z 6 sierpnia

Relacja na żywo

Today we’re talking about egg freezing, getting pregnant, putting off getting pregnant basically how to make a baby with a reproductive specialist. This is important info we should all know – whether you are done having kids, don’t want kids, don’t want to think about it right now… It’s getting more common to put off having babies but our bodies haven’t caught up with this timeline. We should all know how our bodies work for our own knowledge and also to be able to talk about it with the people in our lives. Let’s get comfortable talking about these things and it starts with getting educated.

Nowy tutaj? I’m Monica creator of at site I started to document my first marathon training and journey to lose weight. I ran a marathon, lost weight and much to my surprise the site grew a substantial following and I fell in love with all things running, nutrition and health related.

You can follow along @RunEatRepeat on instagram

Rozgrzać się:

I broke my tooth.

I saw my old dentist receptionist on HGTV – on the show Flea Market Flip. and I called her.

Główne wydarzenie:

Before we get to the interview I want to share an update on my journey thinking about freezing my eggs, if I’ve decided to do it and what is factoring into my decision.

–> I made a video last year when I first started to research freezing my eggs. note – most doctors call this fertility preservation.

Thinking about Egg Freezing video – my first thoughts on looking into it.

[Subscribe to my YouTube channel here so you never miss a video!]

I’ve really gone back and forth with whether or not to do it for a few reasons…

– Koszt

– odds I’ll actually use them

– status związku

– family history – my mom had my little brother when she was 45

– Timeline thoughts – part of me thinks if I’m going to have kids I should do it now since I have lil nieces and want them to grow up together

– other options: deciding to do it alone via a sperm bank or adoption?

– zdrowie

– i więcej

It’s a really hard decision because it’s so expensive and it’s just a back-up plan. but will I regret not doing it?

So I’m still thinking about it and don’t really have a clear plan one way or the other. I do know where I would do it if I was going to move forward so there’s a chance I might just go for it next week and there’s a chance I won’t do it. bądźcie czujni. let me know if you have any questions or if you’ve done it and have something valuable to share.

Now let’s talk to Dr. Elizabeth A. Barbieri, she’s a board-certified specialist in reproductive endocrinology at Oregon Reproductive Medicine. Dr. Barbieri has extensive competence in in vitro fertilization, infertility and egg freezing. and she really breaks down the medical jargon into a realistic way to think about these typically emotional topics.

From ORM Fertility:

As more and more celebrities and athletes get pregnant later in life, the average woman is left thinking that she too can wait until her late 30s or 40s to start planning a family.  According to Dr. Elizabeth Barbieri of ORM Fertility, that’s not always the case. “Many celebrities and athletes are inadvertently setting unrealistic expectations for many women that it will be easy to get pregnant naturally in their 40s, when in fact a lot of these celebrities and athletes have struggled, and have had a little assistance along the way.”

Specifically, athletic women tend to put off family planning while they train in their 20’s and into their 30’s, which has its own set of challenges for fertility, including delayed or non existent menstrual cycles or disruption of body fat and cycles during intense training.
According to the American society for Reproductive medicine (ASRM) a woman’s best reproductive years are in her 20s. women in their 30s have a 20% chance of getting pregnant and by age 40, a woman’s chance of getting pregnant is less than 5%.

With many women delaying pregnancy until their 30s and 40s, fertility issues are becoming a growing topic of concern.

According to Dr. Barbieri, women need to think ahead and have a game plan, as there’s many things women need to consider in their 20s, 30s and 40s.

“Whether you’re a new college graduate that is just starting out on your career path, or if you’re in an established relationship in your 30s and trying to get pregnaNT bez sukcesu istnieje wiele opcji dostępnych kobiet w podróży do rodzicielstwa. Wiedza więcej może pomóc ludziom przejąć kontrolę nad płodnością, aby mogli założyć rodzinę, gdy nadejdzie odpowiedni czas. ”

(ORM Płodność była wcześniej medycyną reprodukcyjną Oregon)

Dr Elizabeth Barbieri dzieli wgląd w:

1. Jakie są szanse na zajście w ciążę dla kobiety w wieku 20 lat, 30 i 40 lat.

2. Kiedy należy szukać porady medycznej na temat próby posiadania dziecka? (Jak długo powinieneś próbować wymyślić przed uzyskaniem wsparcia)

3. Dlaczego kobieta miałaby zamrozić swoje jaja?

4. Czy zamrażanie jaj oznacza mniej jaj do pracy, gdy chcesz mieć dziecko?

5. Jaki jest najlepszy wiek do zamrażania jaj?

6. Co rozważyć, myśląc o zamrożeniu jaj… wiek, oś czasu, status związku, zdrowie, historia rodziny itp.

7. Co uniemożliwiłoby komuś zamrożenie jaj?

8. Jakie są korzyści z zachowania płodności?

9. Dlaczego większość kobiet nie wydaje się używać jaj, które zamarły?

10. Jaki jest proces zamrażania jaj? Czy mogę nadal trenować, jeśli zamrażam jajka?

Aby uzyskać więcej informacji, sprawdź:

Praca domowa:

1. Dokument Barkely’s Marathons – The Barkley Marathons: The Race, który Eats jego młody – oficjalny zwiastun (2015)

Możesz go obejrzeć na Amazon Prime tutaj – dokument Barkley Marathons

Będę rozmawiać z kimś, kto próbował poradzić sobie z tym wyścigiem i będzie fajnie, jeśli znasz go. A jeśli masz dla niej pytanie – wyślij je!

Barkley Marathons to wyścig szlaku Ultramarathon, który odbył się w zamrożonym parku stanowym w pobliżu Wartburga w Tennessee. Biegacze mogą wybrać „zabawny bieg” 60 mil (97 km) lub pełny kurs 100 mil (160 km) (odległości są przybliżone). Wyścig jest ograniczony do okresu 60 godzin i odbywa się pod koniec marca lub na początku kwietnia każdego roku. (z Wikipedii)

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