before we got married Ben would cook for himself – breakfast, lunch as well as dinner. (Okay not lunch, he would go to Togos or Chick Fil A for lunch.)

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Anyways, when we got married I would get house from work an hour earlier than him as well as cook dinner. many times I’d pack his lunch too. Then, I lost my task as well as started making him breakfast before he left for work too. before I understood it I had kicked him out of the kitchen!

When I have an early work or super late shift he makes himself food however I never let him cook for me. This is frustrating as I work late at the fitness center Tuesdays as well as Thursdays as well as it would be useful if I let him make dinner.

But, I keep in mind watching him cook when we were dating. Let’s just state he makes Paula Dean look like she’s on a diet plan with exactly how much butter he uses. I particularly keep in mind one time when he made a pancake covered in butter as well as cheese…but I digress.

We keep speaking about having him cook more, however I always turn him down when he offers. since I was still feeling ill this morning I let him cook.

“Hey, where do we keep the eggs?”

Kidding, he is a truly great cook if you don’t mind tons of butter as well as cheese on your eggs (and who does, right?).

I asked him to make me an egg scramble as well as was restricted to verbal directions only. luckily for everybody – it was a tasty success!

Before breakfast I went on an simple 3 mile “check in” run to see exactly how my boogers were doing. They’re to life as well as well.

Ben as well as I are still trying to discover the right church for us in this area. I was increased in the Catholic Church as well as was explaining to Ben a few of the traditions which he discovered picture deserving for some reason…

“When I was an altar server the priest would hold up the host…”

“and I would sound the bell. however they don’t do that anymore since the mass isn’t in Latin as well as we comprehend what’s going on.”

“And they utilize genuine wine not grape juice.”

“Koniec. Amen.”

After breakfast we took a walk. It’s ridiculously gorgeous today. Seriously SoCal, we get it.

On the method back I saw somebody is selling Menudo from their garage. I totally would have gotten in on this if I hadn’t already eaten.

Then, I broke my chair. Poważnie.

I’m blaming Ben since he went on an ice cream run last night totally unprovoked. I believe the new MMA fitness center he’s going to is rocking his appetite since that’s normally my idea.

Hers as well as His…

Okay I have to go buy a new chair… See ya later.



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